Aligning with the Future Generations Act and Global Goals
Aligning with the Future Generations Act and Global Goals
A Prosperous Wales
Through the TEAM activity in Pembrokeshire, we'll provide training opportunities for individuals within the county, from a diverse age range, contributing towards a skilled and well-educated population. At the heart of the Pembrokeshire activity is the need to act on climate change and create a low-carbon show that recognises and highlights the limits of the global environment. We ll provide employment opportunities related to the show and therefore enable the population of Pembrokeshire to take advantage of the wealth generated through securing this and future work.
A Resilient Wales
The community of Pembrokeshire has chosen Climate Change and the Environment as the key themes for this show. We are therefore, through all of our work in the area, keeping the biodiverse natural environment and the notion of ecological resilience at the forefront of our planning and messaging around the show. The capacity to adapt to and respond to change (especially climate change) will be one of the central messages of Go Tell the Bees.
A Healthier Wales
Participation in the arts has a proven positive impact on the physical and mental well-being of an individual. By engaging in TEAM’s work in the area we look to enhance the physical & mental well-being of participants. We are particularly interested in linking the theme of Climate Change & the Environment to an individual’s mental health and physical well-being, exploring notions of Eco-Psychology and an understanding that positive choices and behaviours around protection of the environment will have beneficial impacts on future health and emotional well-being.
A More Equal Wales
A central tenet of TEAM’s philosophy has always been to create a more equal Wales in which equality and equity are enabled to grow and flourish. We are committed, through all of TEAM’s work, to creating a society that enables people to fulfil their potential no matter what their background or circumstances (including their socio-economic background and circumstances).
A Wales of Cohesive Communities
TEAM is centred around creating cohesive communities. Through the TEAM Pembrokeshire activity and its broad reach, we look to connect this disparate county through creative activities and ensure a viable legacy for future well-connected creative communities.
A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
Through TEAM Pembrokeshire activity we will be contributing towards a society that promotes and protects culture, and heritage, and encourages people to participate in the arts. We are committed to working towards a thriving Welsh language by providing opportunities through bilingual events and embedding Welsh language through Go Tell the Bees.
A Globally Responsible Wales
By forging international links through organisations such as Size of Wales, NTW TEAM’s activity in Pembrokeshire commits to improving the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales, whilst making a positive contribution to global well-being.
Through the TEAM activity in Pembrokeshire, we can confidently commit to contributing towards almost all of the Global Goals.