A Creative Portrait · November 2024

Outside of London and the South East, only 5% of people working full time in a creative role are from a Working Class background (2021 Report). Paul’s Father, and his father, and his… were all Coal Miners. Paul is a Graphic Designer and is aware this is an unusual path. This year marks 40 years since the Miners’ Strike. Paul wants to use that anniversary to help change things. Working on the principle that seeing people achieve empowers others to achieve. Paul will create a book of photographic portraits (and digital exhibition) that will showcase the work of high-achieving creatives from working-class backgrounds in Wales; with the aim of inspiring the next generation. The creatives showcased will come from as wide a range of disciplines as possible. Each Creative featured will commit to helping an early-career creative from their discipline (e.g. a chat/workshop/project/work experience); this could make for a second stage of the project in future years.

The book will also feature Q&A interviews with each creative, digging deeper into their backgrounds and processes. There will also be room for additional editorial content and links to resources. A portrait photograph of each Creative will be taken at their workplace/studio. Brief recordings/discussions/interviews will also be made at this stage for sharing on social media. The book will be an ongoing legacy for the work, the people and the project.