Ynglŷn â’r Prosiect
Yn 2021, rhoddodd ein bwrsariaethau Springboard gyfle i ddeg artist ddod i’r golau wedi cyfnod o alar ac ansicrwydd i archwilio eu hymarfer creadigol eu hunain. A fydden nhw’n gallu dychmygu rhywbeth gwell ar gyfer ein diwydiant a’u cymunedau?
Gofynnon ni i’n criw cyntaf ar Springboard ddweud mwy wrthon ni am eu hunain a’u cynlluniau? Dysgwch fwy am hynny isod..
Steph Back
Defnyddio ymarfer creadigol i ddatblygu gweithdai creadigol sy’n addysgu ac yn hysbysu am ymwybyddiaeth o bobl fyddar a mynediad ar gyfer pobl fyddar ym myd y theatr…
“I am really passionate about Deaf awareness and access within theatre and I’m really excited to have this opportunity to work on these workshops and deliver them to Welsh freelancers and theatre students in Wales. I believe it is a vital first step, especially for those in universities as they don’t seem to be given any access training at all on their courses! I am really looking forward to the conversations that will happen and to leading the workshops themselves!”
Llun gan Claire Cousin
Idrissa Camara
Dilyn llwybr amgen, teithio mewn cyfeiriad gwahanol o ddawns i gerddoriaeth…
“My name is Idrissa and I am from West Africa Guinea Conakry. I am based in Wales, former artistic director of Ballet Nimba. I am an artist, dancer, musician and choreographer. As artistic director of Ballet Nimba, my life used to be in dance. The Corona pandemic was a very difficult time for dance. At home, I inspired myself through playing my Bolon. The Bolon is an African-based guitar. Eventually through that, I started to write my own music and I realised I can sing too. National Theatre Wales Springboard Bursary has given me the opportunity to develop my career into a different platform. I have decided to do fusion music through Bolon with Welsh artists and other African musicians.”
Llun gan Yanas Media
Sara Hartel
Rhoi rhan weithredol i’r gynulleidfa mewn stori; ymchwilio i ddarn o Theatr Gêm a’i ddatblygu, wedi’i arwain gan y gymuned…
“I’m a non-binary theatre maker based in Barry. After training as an actor, I quickly found my way into directing.
I’m very passionate about inclusivity and work closely with Hijinx Theatre. I was assistant director for their production of ‘The Flop’ and am movement tutor for their Drama Foundation.
In my own practice, I’m particularly interested in Game Theatre where audience members are active players and their actions have consequences for the story’s outcome. It makes the audience responsible for what happens on stage.
With the Springboard Bursary I’m running an R&D into a community led piece of Game Theatre.”
Llun gan Kim Patridge / Broken Doll Images
Sam Hickman
Telynor sy’n canu yn datblygu’r sin gabaret Cwiar yng Nghaerdydd…
Mae Sam wedi bod yn byw yng Nghaerdydd ers deng mlynedd, ac wedi bod yn gweithio fel cerddor proffesiynol ers chwe blynedd. Dechreuodd ei gyrfa fel mezzo soprano glasurol cyn symud at jas a theatr gerddorol. Yn 2018, ysgrifennodd albwm ac fe berfformiodd gyngerdd albwm fel sioe un ferch. Datblygodd hynny i fod yn waith mwy theatraidd a chomedïaidd.
Hanan Issa
Cymysgu chwedloniaeth, hanes ac iaith, a churadu ymdeimlad o chwilfrydedd a rhyfeddod…
“I’m a writer and artist from Wales. I was born and brought up in Penarth and Cardiff.
My work is primarily text-based including poetry, fiction, essays and scripts but I also love playing with different visual expressions.
A big part of my practice is collaboration and I’ve worked with artists from different sectors including dance and animation.
I’m interested in making connections from the point of convergence taking inspiration from my mixed race heritage.
I like to mix myth, history and language and at its heart my practice is about curating a sense of curiosity and wonder.”
Jeremy Linnell
Datblygu ymarfer theatr ddigidol i archwilio iechyd meddwl, cariad ac unigedd drwy ddull anarchaidd, hamddenol o glownio…
“I’m a neurodiverse theatre maker based in Cardiff. My artistic practice is heavily influenced by bouffon clowning, an anarchic and grungy form that mocks social ills. For my project on Springboard I’m redeveloping my show Dealbreaker for digital platforms. Dealbreaker is an autobiographical lie that looks at mental illness, love and isolation.
I’ve become interested in digital theatre during the pandemic and love what it does for both creativity and accessibility. Talking about mental health is hard so I’m hoping a silly, fast paced comedy about it might make things a little easier.”
Llun gan Mission Photographic / Mei Lewis
Kel Matsena
Archwilio chwedloniaeth Gymreig i gyfoethogi ymarfer fel llenor a gwneuthurwr theatr…
“Hello my name is Kel. I am a Zimbabwean born and Welsh raised Artist. I feel blessed to be working with NTW on creating my play ‘The Lake’ inspired by a Welsh Myth. As an artist it can be very difficult to find the time to create the work that makes your heart beat whilst also dealing with financial commitments. The Springboard bursary will allow me to focus on creating the world of the play and I’ll be working with Directors, Playwrights & Dramaturgs to help me along the process. This in turn will develop my artistic practice as a writer and theatre maker.”
Llun gan @moligophotography
Durre Shahwar
Ysgrifennu, saernïo crefft, hwyluso sgyrsiau gyda merched croenliw a rhoi llais cryfach i leisiau ar y cyrion…
Mae Durre yn awdur, yn ymgeisydd PhD ac yn un o gyd-sylfaenwyr Where I’m Coming From, sef sesiynau meic agored i awduron heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol yng Nghymru. Gellir dod o hyd i’w gwaith mewn nifer o gyhoeddiadau, yn neilltuol: Know Your Place: Essays on the Working Class (Dead Ink Books), We Shall Fight Until We Win (404 Ink), Homes For Heroes 100 (Bristol Festival of Ideas). Mae Durre wedi bod yn rhan o ‘Awduron wrth eu Gwaith’ Gŵyl y Gelli a BBC Writersroom Welsh Voices. Ar hyn o bryd, mae Durre yn gweithio tuag at PhD mewn Ysgrifennu Creadigol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ac yn gweithio ar ei llyfr hunan-ffuglen cyntaf.
Llun gan Jake Rowles
Chris Tally Evans
Rhoi llwyfan i leisiau a thalent unigolion creadigol sydd ag anableddau, gan sicrhau mwy o gynrychiolaeth i artistiaid anabl yn y celfyddydau drwy gydweithio creadigol…
“I’m a disabled artivist, forced to diversify by the reality of working in the arts. I have toured and had work shown all over the world, won a Major Creative Wales Award, but I’m still mostly shut out by the mainstream.
My project, The PIP Collective, is a group of talented disabled creatives working with mainstream arts orgs to help them put right a historic wrong. I hope that through positive collaboration they’ll finally realise just what they’re missing out on and let us in properly.”
Llun gan Steve Groves
Anushiye Yarnell
Datblygu ymarfer cyfranogol rhwng cenedlaethau, yn canolbwyntio ar gydweithio â phlant yn ei chymuned, gan sianelu eu lleisiau creadigol a’u hunaniaeth…
“I am an interdisciplinary artist, curator and choreographer from Cardiff. My work channels experiences of ‘otherness’ and ‘outsiderness’. With the Springboard Bursary I will be sowing seeds for a new project entitled ‘Syllabus of Darkness’, bringing different strands of practice-habitat together into an enquiry of darkness as a material, a medium and a metaphor.
I wish to fuse and extend my personal movement/research enquiry into intergenerational participatory practices, focusing on collaborations with children. I would like my practice to be embedded within dynamic equilibriums of my community which include and support the creative voices and presences of others.”