Press Story

Rhwng 17-25 Mawrth, bydd cynhyrchiad tair rhan newydd ac uchelgeisiol gan National Theatre Wales, sef The Cost of Living, yn cael ei berfformio yn Theatr y Grand Abertawe.

Gan ymestyn eu gwaith coreograffi i’r theatr, bydd y brodyr Anthony a Kel Matsena o Abertawe a’r Cyfarwyddwr Lorne Campbell yn dod â Joseph K and the Cost of Living i Theatr y Grand Abertawe. Bydd addasiad corfforol, doniol a bachog Emily White o stori glasurol Franz Kafka, The Trial, yn cyrraedd y llwyfan ym mis Mawrth.

Mae’r cynhyrchiad tair rhan yn dechrau gyda Rhan 1, sef Counting the Cost of Living. Caiff y rhan hon ei chyfarwyddo gan Mathilde Lopez a’i churadu gan Shirish Kulkarni mewn partneriaeth â’r Tîm Cymorth Ieuenctid Ethnig a Fforwm Ieuenctid Pafiliwn Grange. Cyfle unigryw i aelodau’r gynulleidfa rannu eu profiadau o’r argyfwng costau byw gyda gwleidyddion, arweinwyr yr heddlu, arweinwyr y cyngor a chomisiynwyr.

Medd y newyddiadurwr a’r ymgyrchydd Shirish Kulkarni: “rather than answering the questions these people will instead be asking you: the audience. You get to explain your experiences of the cost of living crisis to the people and institutions who define our lives, and let them know the daily price you pay. National Theatre Wales wants to show that it doesn’t have to be this way and we can make a difference by starting somewhere.”

Mae Rhan 2 yn llwyfannu Joseph K and the Cost of Living. Caiff y rhan hon ei chyfarwyddo gan Lorne Campbell gyda Kel ac Anthony Matsena. Yma, mae addasiad beiddgar a chreadigol Emily White o lyfr Franz Kafka, The Trial, yn plethu’r hunllef a ddaw i Jo K dieuog a gaiff ei arestio a’i roi ar dreial gyda pherfformiad cyfoes, cyffrous sy’n tynnu sylw at y pris mawr a delir gan bob un ohonom pan fyddwn ar drugaredd grym gormesol ac anatebol.

Meddai’r awdur Emily White: ‘The cost of living crisis has been caused in the main part by the greed and corruption of the most wealthy members of our society. In order to divert our attention from the real source of our problems, we are seeing a frightening resurgence of fascist rhetoric being used by government officials scapegoating and blaming poor people, immigrants, asylum seekers, LGBTQ+ people, women, unions, protestors, etc. There are many ways to interpret the story of The Trial, but my adaptation: Joseph K and the Cost of Living is about the nature of state-led persecution, the individuals the system chooses to persecute and why.”

Medd y Cyd-gyfarwyddwr Kel Matsena: “I'm incredibly excited to be working on such a relevant and live piece of theatre. Kafka's work is monstrous, incredibly rich and speaks so clearly to the world we currently live in. It's an honour for me to be bringing this work to Swansea, the city I grew up in, the city I call home. To create a space where the people I grew up with can come and see themselves reflected in a powerful, dynamic and high-quality piece of theatre is a real honour.

People can expect the unexpected. My pre-conceptions have been challenged at every step of the process. Emily White has done an incredibly funny and emotional adaption and humour is something I never expected in work like this. Also getting to direct alongside Anthony Matsena and Lorne Campbell is a real treat. We have a stellar cast of actors and a creative team who have special connections to Wales.

This is no ordinary piece of theatre. At times I find myself asking "what on earth are we doing?" but I mean that in the best way possible. Because there really is nothing out there like it.”

Medd Lorne Campbell, Cyfarwyddwr Artistig NTW, a enwyd yn ddiweddar yn The Stage fel un o’r 100 cyfarwyddwr theatr mwyaf dylanwadol:“There’s definitely a spirit of protest in the air. After years of living with austerity then Covid-19, a relentless series of legislative attacks on the right to protest and to strike, rolling scandals of corruption and cronyism in the corridors of power, people are asking themselves: ‘Where does this end? How do we organise? How do we resist? ‘Am I part of this? What should I do?’

That’s the spirit we want to capture in Joseph K and the Cost of Living. Jo K is subjected to the violence of the state but is also deeply complicit in its systems and oppressions. It is a profoundly recognisable crisis for us all and I am hugely excited to be working with this incredible team to bring this story to the stage in partnership with communities in Swansea and Cardiff.”

Daw’r noson i ben gyda Rhan 3, sef F**k the Cost of Living, mewn partneriaeth â Grand Ambition. Gig cerddorol yn llawn llawenydd a chatharsis i’ch grymuso. Cerddoriaeth brotest berffaith ar gyfer y byd sydd ohoni. Gyda Minas, Ayoub Boukhalfa, HMS Morris a mwy i’w cadarnhau.

Gall aelodau’r gynulleidfa aros yno am ran o’r noson neu trwy’r holl noson. Nhw piau’r dewis.


Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad BSL

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