About The City Socials

Connect with fellow artists and freelancers working in theatre

The City Socials are a regular event hosted by NTW TEAM. They are fun and interactive get-togethers designed to bring together emerging and early-career artists and freelancers working in theatre to chat, share, rave and rant.

There will be opportunities for people to share thoughts and ideas, and introduce new work. The successful residency artists will share their work in progress as part of these events.

Share the successes and struggles of building a career in the arts and get to know your fellow community. Throughout the evening, you can expect:

  • A scratch performance from one of our resident artists
  • Networking opportunities
  • Light-touch workshops

Food and alcohol-free drinks will be provided to fuel conversation.

Feel free to pop in or stay for the whole evening.

We welcome emerging freelancers and early-career artists of all kinds. If you need support to attend e.g. BSL interpretation or travel costs, get in touch with Justin, our Creative Associate.


The Sustainable Studio is wheelchair accessible

A note about National Theatre Wales

Whilst we work towards a new vision and future, we are continuing to support theatre makers, artists and creatives through NTW TEAM programmes supported by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which is being administered by Cardiff Council.

This activity includes the launch of new NTW TEAM initiatives Young Collective, TEAM Collective and The City Socials, a series of events that will pop up in spaces all around Cardiff over the next few months. Keep your eyes peeled on our social media and newsletter for the next events.

Choose dates and book

  • The Sustainable Studio, Cardiff

    Book now
  • Location TBC

    Coming soon
  • Location TBC

    Coming soon
  • Porter's, Cardiff

    Coming soon